If your man is very tired at work, and comes home exhausted, please him with a relaxing erotic massage. This will please both of you, and will help diversify your sex life. It is important to remember that erotic massagein the salon of erotic massage in Kyiv you need to do only on a clean body, so before you start the “procedures”, send the man to the bath. You can help him rub his back or hold the shower. This will set the right mood.Start off erotic massage in Kyiv follows from kneading the feet. Gentle touches have a relaxing effect and excite a little. The big toes are the erogenous zone for most men. Stroke them with your hands, touch your lips, touch your tongue. Now we can move on.Erotic back massage can be done using different techniques: stroking with light sliding movements; rubbing, suggesting a stronger effect on the skin; kneading, i.e. effect on the muscle layer. These techniques must be alternated with kisses, light or long. Touching your breasts will also give your man pleasant emotions.Do not limit yourself to the back area. Start gradually expanding the area of influence: kiss the neck, earlobe, occiput. Pay attention to the erotic massage of the buttocks. You can lightly bite them or pat them a little. And don’t forget to kiss, kiss, kiss.Next, ask your man to roll over onto his back. Start breast massage. Many men’s nipples are no less sensitive than women’s. Lightly caress them with your tongue and lips. Now you can go down below, massage your navel with your fingers or tongue.Going down even lower, tease the man’s penis a little: gently touch the head, play a little with the frenulum, massage the testicles. However, you should not get carried away, because your goal is to help a man relax, and not cause ejaculation. Switch your attention to the area between the testicles and the anus, this place is very erogenous in men.Time after time, you will learn more about your man’s preferences and most sensitive areas. You can directly ask your partner what he likes best. So you can learn how to give him the greatest pleasure in sex. And your affection, tenderness and care will demonstrate your love to him.